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The Disney Crush Podcast

Hello and welcome to The Disney Crush Podcast we are excited to share the joy and excitement of Walt Disney World with you every week on the podcast. 


Mar 29, 2018

A fascinating and incredibly informative show with Toni-Ann and her vast knowledge and understanding about how to navigate the parks with physically and mentally disabled family members.

And how over the past 18 year things have changed, how the system was then and how it is now.

Thank you so much and Toni-Ann and I...

Mar 21, 2018

Walt Disney World Podcasters,Vloggers, Bloggers and more on this weeks show.

Thank you for listening we really do appreciate it.

You can get in touch with us at: 

Mar 14, 2018

We will tell you some of the things we do when we are blocked out of Disney, or just want a change and do something different.

Also News and other stuff around the parks 

Please subscribe to the show and go to Apple Podcast and give us a rating and we will talk about it on the show. Tell your friends about the show and...

Mar 7, 2018

On this weeks Show we talk about The Good The Bad And the Ugly

At Disney World. 

Please Subscribe to the Show:

Follow us on Facebook at The Disney Crush,Instagram at the_disneycrush,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Itunes,Podcast Addict,Google Play,and YouTube.

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Thank you for all of the...